Virginia Giraldo
Senior Client Coordinator
Length of Experience: I’ve been with IIP Management since April 2015.
Favorite Thing About IIP Management: I enjoy working with and learning from different personalities; it shows me different perspectives and approaches to a situation. The pace of property management is fast, so some of my favorite moments at IIPM are when we have the opportunity to meet outside work to wind down and celebrate accomplishments as a team.
At which store would you like to max-out your credit card? AMAZON!
What is the furthest you have ever lived from Cleveland, OH? Cali, Colombia.
What is a skill or project you are currently working on outside of work? Knitting Barbie scarfs
Personal philosophy: Never do to others what you don’t want others to do to you.
Favorite thing about living in the Cleveland area? Being so close to one of the Great Lakes.